Boys Club
I cannot tell
a LIE, popI did it with my own hot little hands
Walter Sloope (14) lifting at home (right), and (above) at the All South WL Championships with other 123 lb. lifters.
Dick Lourie (16) Newton, Mass. Dick weighs 153 lbs. and has bench pressed 220 lbs. He has been training 7 months using York methods.
(Bronx) lbs.
152 years-5'3", 120
wearing shirt he won as prize for swimming at Camp Peekskill. See text.
I noticed in a recent issue of Strength and Health that you wanted to hear from all teen-agers that pressed their bodyweight. My son Walter started training with dumbells when he was about 10 years old. At the age of 12 he started practicing the three olympic lifts. When he reached 13, he was easily pressing and snatching his bodyweight. Incidently when he first started to use the barbells he could military press more weight with the dumbells than on the bar. However, it wasn't long until this situation reversed.
He entered his first contest in January, 1955, in Charleston, S. C. The North and South Carolina AAU Championship. He weighed in at 115 lbs. and pressed 115 lbs., snatched 115 lbs., and clean jerked 145 lbs. He won first in both Novice and Open classes. In March 1955, he entered the North and South Carolina Y. M. C. A. Championship in Charlotte, and won first place there.
In May 1955, he entered the Southern AAU Championship in High Point and took second place there. Two weeks after this contest he had an appendix operation and didn't train any more for seven months. He started training again in December of 1955 and after one week he fell on some ice on his way to school and knocked his two upper front teeth out. and broke the jaw bone. However, he was determined and after only a week lay off he started training again and got in three good weeks before the North and South Carolina Y. M. C. A. Championship in January 1956. He weighed in this meet at 120 lbs. and pressed 125 lbs., snatched 125 lbs., and clean and jerked 160 lbs., and this was enough for first place. From this contest to the time of the Southern AAU contest in Greensboro, N. C. on April 21, 1956, he trained the hardest I have ever seen him train. He weighed in this contest at 122 lbs. and pressed 130 lbs., snatched 130 lbs., and clean and jerked 170 lbs. We were both happier about this third place victory than some of the first places in some of the other contests. There was some real competition and he realized it and went after third place and got it.
Incidently this was the best handled meet I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of them. The boys from Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem, N. C., should be gratulated.
A little Samson who has a famous father. This is Joe Pitman III, 21 months old, weight 31 pounds. He is pressing an 8 lb. Little Samson barbell, and from here his form looks better than his dad's!
lifting meets. I stand 5-11 inches tall and some of my other lifts are the bench press 245 lbs.
Most of my training centers around power training. I hardly ever do more than 3 reps in any exercise. you for reading my letter and I will write you of my further progress. Sid Hose Massillon, Ohio
To the Editor:
I have been reading Boys Club news and thought I would write and tell you my records. I weight 152 lbs. at 5'8". I have pressed 180 lbs., snatched 1671⁄2 lbs., and cleaned and jerked 240 lbs.,
Back to Walter, he is now taking it easy for a few weeks at Myrtle Beach, S. C. with some friends. He will start training again when school starts in September. His training schedule consists only of the basic exercises and a practice of the three olympic lifts. He takes it easy in a contest and has never failed to make any of his attempts. He never strains himself or tries to see how much he can lift.
His body has taken more shape in the past two months than ever before. He is now fifteen years old and will start his first year of high school, the 10th grade, in September. He is an A student and works much harder with his school work than with the barbells.
To the Editor:
Paul A. Sloope Charlotte, N.C.
I am happy to report that I can qualify for your BODY WEIGHT PRESS CLUB. I am 17 years old, weigh 178 lbs. and can press 190 lbs. I know that it's only 12 lbs. over my weight and quite few other fellows can press more pounds over their bodyweight than I but I have only been training with barbells for 3 months.
I enjoy your magazine and like reading about the weight
Remember Paul Oudinot-who has appeared in S & H many times in the past 14 years? Now a member of the York Barbell Club, Paul is practicing the Olympic lifts and will lift this year in the 123 lb. class. Here he is at the S & H Picnic with his father.
for a total of 5872. I have also continental jerked 270 lbs. My favorite lifter is Dave Sheppard, next is Norb Schemansky. Strength & Health is the best magazine I have ever read. I don't like bodybuilding as I see useful purpose in such contests. don't think the best man wins anyway. We have several lifters in Bennington who can easily press their bodyweight. Keep up the good work.
To the Editor:
Charles Tinkham Bennington, Vt.
I was very happy and surprised to find my picture in the August issue of S & H. I thought you might care to hear about some recent events that occurred at Lake Peekskill, where I spent my vacation.
Although I received compliments on my build around the pool, many of the fellows insisted I'd become musclebound and slow from weightlifting. So I entered the Water Sports and took two firsts, in the 100 yard dash, and one as anchor for my team in the 200 yard relay. I think this proves that lifting weights can be combined with other sports and bring favorable results in both. Undoubtedly the shoulder and chest muscles built with barbells helped my swimming.
I enclose a photo of me in the sweatshirt awarded prize winners here. I am 152, 5'3", 120 lbs. My chest is 40".
Stanley Goldblatt, NYC
I would like to belong to the Strength & Health Boys Club. Will you please send me a Membership Card? I am six-
teen, and weigh 150 lbs., and can press bodyweight, snatch 130, and clean and jerk 175 pounds. I can curl 120, bench press 175 and do squats with the same weight. I only have 175 lbs. of weights at present. Please send me a large size York Barbell Club T Shirt-my chest measure is 40 inches.
Ronald Segar,
W. Englewood, N. J.
Boys Club Editor: Please send me a Membership Card. I am 14, weigh 115 lbs., and can press 120, snatch 120, and clean and jerk 160 lbs. I squat with 220 lbs., deadlift 270, and can clean 110 with one hand. Put my name in the Bodyweight Press Club please.
Danny Smith, Asheboro, N. C.
NEWS FROM "BUTCH" OUDINOT Paul Oudinot, of nearby Reading, Pa.,. "Since writes about his son Paul, Jr. Butch came back from York to return to school, he has been progressing fine on his lifting. Yesterday he did 165, 165, 220 for a nice 550 lb. total. He did the 220 clean and jerk so easy I almost fell over! "Sending Butch to York to train with. the York Gang last summer was the best. thing that ever happened to him. I don't know how to put this down on paper, but I want you to know how I feel-thanks again for all you did for him. Training with the York bunch has really inspired him with the 'spark' he needed to succeed. I have promised him. that he can come to York against next summer through all the vacation timebut he will have to put up a 600 total before the season is ended to get the trip! He says he will do 650-I guess he caught that supreme confidence from Berger and Vinci!"
Paul Oudinot, Reading, Pa.